Nepalese Community Network of Canada (NCNC)
Canadian Newa Guthi (CNG)
Nepalese Janajati Association Canada (NJAC)
Full Itinerary on Instagram @Culturalpeel.
Entertainment will occur periodically during the time periods specified
Showtimes Available at the Venue
Purchase a Passport
Purchase your PASSPORT online with ease. We have a variety of payment options. All online purchases will receive a confirmation email including your receipt, which can only be redeemed for a PASSPORT at the customer service desk at Century Gardens Recreation Centre, 340 Vodden St E, Brampton, ON L6V 2N2.
In order to receive your PASSPORT you must provide a print copy of your receipt (Included in the confirmation email) and a piece of ID.
Century Gardens Rec Centre (North Rink)
340 Vodden St E, Brampton, ON L6V 1N4, Canada
The Nepalese Community Network
Canadian Newa Guthi
Nepalese Janajati Association Canada
NCNC (Secretary) Chhabi Sharma
NCNC President Deenesh Khatiwada
e-mail: khatiwadanp@gmail.com
Uttam Makaju
e-mail: uttammkj@yahoo.com